Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's Kind Of A Funny Story - book review

This book was awesome!! I know i wrote about it before, but with school and everything i just now finished it! I could totally relate to the characters even though it was geared toward a younger demographic. My mom and boyfriend both want to read it now to get some insight into how i feel/felt since i keep saying that Vizzini is spot on! with the exception that it is from the mind of a teenage boy! I <3 this book and i think you will too!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

You Hear a Cry for Help...but No One Answers

What happens when you cry out for help but no one is there to answer? This is my problem this holiday season. I can usually talk out my feelings to my parents or boyfriend, but no one is available. When i try to approach them, all i hear are sighs and exhaustion. How are you suppose to talk to someone when that's how they respond to you? That is like slamming the door in my face before i even knock. I'm trying to not bother anyone unless it is necessary, but with the stress of the holiday season, i'm left out to dry. I'm not upset, but my feelings are hurt. If i was in a more serious state, the only way i would know how to call for help would be to hurt myself. luckily i'm past that phase, but my emotions are bruised severely.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

If the doctor said must be true

The doctor says that i'm getting better and really improving so it must be true right? If it is true then why are I not leaping for joy? My conclusion is that i'm so used to being depressed that i don't know how to not be. It is normal for me to NOT feel "normal." I guess this isn't completely ridiculous since i've been going through this personal roller coaster for the past decade. Don't get me wrong a large part of me is saying "Wow! I've come so far...I'm proud of me!" ...not to seem too self centered. So for now, i'm going to be proud of myself and try to leap for joy. I figure I'll get used to being "normal" eventually.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Keep Calm & Carry On

I came across this while browsing the urban outfitters (UO) website and thought..."Thats a great saying! It can totally apply to me and what i'm going through!" so i thought i would share it with you! Then i thought, " it sad that I need a slogan to keep in mind because i'm so anxious." but oh well...whatever works right?

This poster was originally produced by the British government in 1939 during the start of WWII to raise the moral of the public under the threat of invasion. It was never used and few people knew of it. Luckily it was rediscovered in 2000 and has been re-issued to private companies which explains how UO got a hold of it!