Monday, December 7, 2009

Things That May Help

I have tried many things in the past & here are some tips!

Be CREATIVE…whatever that may be! Paint, draw, make a collage, write, film, color in coloring books…whatever just get out there!

Do SOMETHING FOR will help you realize that the world is bigger than you because sometimes we forget that. Do community service, set up a toy drive, join and organization, make dinner for your family.

WRITE…it’s a good place to get out your feelings & organize your thoughts! No one can judge you here! Spelling and grammar don’t count because no one but you has to read it! It’s also nice to go back later & rationalize things. Try to write positive things as well as what’s bothering you.

TALK…this doesn’t mean you have to see a therapist. You can talk to a friend, family member, whoever as long as you feel safe in confiding to them. It helps to get things off your chest! Bottling things up doesn’t ever work!

GET OUT OF THE HOUSE…even if you have to force yourself. It can be going to the market, getting ice cream with a friend if a dinner to too much, shopping for yourself, just put yourself back into the world in some form!

Do as SELF EVALUATION…to see where you stand with your feelings. I like to base it on a 1 – 10 scale (1 = excellent, 10 = bottom of a dark hole & suicidal!). Everyday, think to yourself, “What # am I today?” If you get to a 7-8 I suggest seeking outside help!

Here’s what I do or have done in the past for each topic!

I love art so I draw, paint and obviously write! It makes me feel better at the end of the day! I volunteer in the summer at numerous cancer camps & have an annual toy drive for Christmas. I blog & journal! I try to be positive in my blog and my journal entries tend to be more dark and depressing, but I get it out of my system that way! I talk to my parents & close friends about my feelings and concerns everyday! I know I’m lucky. I make sure I see my friends once a week at least or if their busy I have fun with my family in some way. For my self evaluation, once I got to a #7 I called a therapist.

I really hope these suggestions work for you & let me know if you have any suggestions for me!!!

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