Thursday, March 10, 2011


Today for the first time in 9 months i felt like hurting myself...thank you mommy. I have felt depressed for days now and have tried to do my best. The people who used to support me have too many of their own problems to deal with and no time for me. As far as dear old mommy goes, i have asked her to leave me alone. I have told her that i am not mad at her. I have closed my door and she just keeps opening it. So i lost it. I yelled at her and threw a rubbermaid storage box at her because she wouldn't leave. She's pist and clueless. Since i've been OK lately, there is no reason to help or listen. I really want an escape and i only know how to do it with my meds. I won't do it...but i really want to.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Partying While Depressed (PWD)

I know partying of any kind it an easy way to escape from the world especially when you are feeling uncomfortable in your own skin. Being uncomfortable can't make you feel any more comfortable, however it is probably not a good idea to use alcohol when you're in a vulnerable situation like this. When i feel like this or like i'm sliding, i halt all alcohol use because i figure it will only make my problems worse. i come from a family that are not alcoholics, but definitely knows who to party. So that can even make family situations uncomfortable sometimes. but lucky for me there is no pressure to drink from my family or friends. its just that i don't feel comfortable being in situations like a bar where there is really not much to do except drink and i;m not that comfortable in my own skin to dance. So i like a quieter more intimate environment. Try going out to dinner with a friend or two. Don't have a big group because if you're like me...that scares me. I think thats where the source of this discussion comes from. Being at a party last weekend at my bf's place with many people i don't know, even though one of my best friends, my boyfriend and cousin was there. Just think before you drink. You should always think before you drink...but especially when you're depressed. So think before you PWD!