Thursday, December 13, 2012

Not Feeling So Hot...

So I've been feeling well both psychologically and physical for quite some time now.  My last migraine was a doozy in March, I've been feeling good!  The last time I thought about my depression was when my friend was when my friend made a suicide attempt.  Even then, I still felt sturdy.  But now, I have been dizzy and nauseous for almost 2 weeks now and I must say it is getting very old.  It is preventing me from applying for jobs and my money problems are starting to make me sad.  I use the word sad, but I don't think it is depressed...It just makes me worry about everything.  I can't mooch off of my boyfriend and parents much longer.  I'm worried about my future and career possibilities.  I was the one that looked down on people who where 2 years out of college and not working or not working full time.  I guess I'm just lost right now and trying to find my place in the world.  But then again...who isn't?